The article focuses on the greater increase in newspapers and journalism being reduced to "click bait" articles with little to no content. These clickbait consist of having a title which exaggerates the lack of content in the article and also by sort of baiting the reader into picking up the newspaper to find out out more only for the article to be anti-climatic. These articles essentially mean that the journalists and content going into the articles aren't going to be as detailed as regular print articles which actually aim to present news to audiences.
Personally, I think this is another case of print institutions unable to understand the way digital media works, I honestly believe that the use of clickbait and "listicles" in print platform is due their greater increase and also popularity in online media platforms. This has encouraged print platforms to adopt this method in their articles, but what they don't understand is that this new layout and method only sometimes works online with the majority of intellectual users attempting to stay away from such articles. I believe this has resulted in many readers put off from their preferred newspapers and thus resulting in a greater decline in profits and readership. It also means that the few people that do end up staying with said newspapers, tend to not want intellectual or hard news which in turn dumbs down society.
Personally, I think this is another case of print institutions unable to understand the way digital media works, I honestly believe that the use of clickbait and "listicles" in print platform is due their greater increase and also popularity in online media platforms. This has encouraged print platforms to adopt this method in their articles, but what they don't understand is that this new layout and method only sometimes works online with the majority of intellectual users attempting to stay away from such articles. I believe this has resulted in many readers put off from their preferred newspapers and thus resulting in a greater decline in profits and readership. It also means that the few people that do end up staying with said newspapers, tend to not want intellectual or hard news which in turn dumbs down society.
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