Wednesday 16 November 2016

Citizen journalism catch up work

Why is citizen journalism important?
Citizen journalism is important as the power to make and break news has moved beyond the traditional news institutions. This has given audiences a huge amount of power, not even in terms of the fact that they can now choose what they wish to consume, they can have a huge impacting factor on what it is that they are consuming in the first place. Furthermore, institutions generally can't be everywhere at once, by utilising their audiences as citizen journalists, it gives them an upper hand in beating their competition as they would be able to break the news a lot quicker than other people.

What should happen to the police after this incident? 
The police in the video should be held accountable for their actions, especially the officer that resorted to a choke hold. The officers were clearly in the wrong, as they did not care for the safety of Eric Garner at all, he was already restrained and was crying "I can't breath" yet they were still trying to restrain him.

What has happened to the Chelsea fans identified in this video?
The four Chelsea fans identified in the video for their racism are now banned from all future football matches for a period of 5 years.

Why might this type of news appeal to a younger audience?
This type of news is raw and unmediated, it shows the footage being taken from the perspective of someone that was actually there and the shaky cam suggest the danger and real life experience of the event. This is the type of news that would appeal to younger audiences as they are more likely to consume raw unmediated news.

Strengths: characteristics of citizen journalism that give it an advantage over traditional news.
Weaknesses: negative aspects of citizen journalism.
Opportunities: elements that TV News institutions or audiences could exploit citizen journalism to its advantage.
Threats: elements of citizen journalism that could cause trouble for the TV News institution or audience.

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