The article focuses on the fact that after Donald Trump's Muslim Ban in America was set in place, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance had called for an hour long strike in solidarity against the ban. However, at the same time, Uber announced that in the same region, they would get rid of the surge pricing on all Uber rides. This is due to the fact that as there would be little to no chance of getting a taxi, therefore the area would be extremely busy and when that happens, the pricing for Uber rides is surged up in order to compensate, however, Uber is stated to have seeen this as an opportunity to make sure all rides in that area for that time were for their company as there was no price surging. People were furious at the blatant attempt to earn profit and essentially break a taxi driver strike. This led to many people not only deleting their Uber app but also their account and switching to alternative rivals such as Lyft.
- The New York Taxi Workers Alliance called on its members to avoid John F Kennedy International Airport for one hour
- After the strike, Uber tweeted that surge pricing, which results in higher fares at busy times, had been switched off near JFK
- #DeleteUber began trending, as people encouraging one another not only to delete the app from their phones, but also to cancel their Uber accounts.
- Dan O’Sullivan, or @Bro_Pair, was the first person to tweet the hashtag in direct response to Uber lifting surge pricing
- Others criticised Uber’s CEO, Travis Kalanick, pointing out he is a member of Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum
Personally, I think it's interesting that the person in charge of the company that blatantly tried to break a strike and used the opportunity to earn extra profit with little to no moral consequences, is the same person that is part of a forum for Donald Trump. It is important to note things like this where institutes and businessmen that are working hand in hand work politicians and using these opportunities as a way to grab as much profit. This is a very dire situation, especially for society as a whole when it comes down to businessmen and politicians working for their own agenda and for the agenda of the elite rather than the good of all society. I firmly believe that the #DeleteUber campaign was for a greater good as it shows how American consumers are using a different tactic to show their displeasure with what they view as Trump-supporting companies.
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