The article focuses on the one of the biggest arguments when it comes to digital marketing and advertising. One of the biggest factors in the digital media greatly surpassing traditional media was the fact that in traditional platforms, a lot of money had to be invested in order to create advertising campaigns that were either a hit or a miss in terms of targeted demographics. In comparison, digital marketing is a lot more successful and efficient through the use of targeted ads made entirely on logical algorithms and history based adverts that also influence consumers. The arguement that the article makes is that digital marketing is slowly becoming an increasing concern has there is little to no downward trickle of benefits and funds from digital marketing as everything on the internet is free.
- "Most of us eventually tumbled to the realisation that if the service is free, we are the product"
- "Facebook, for example, holds 98 data points on every user"
- "In 2012, Procter & Gamble announced that it would make $1bn in savings by targeting consumers through digital and social media"
- "According to last week’s Financial Times, 2017 will be the year when advertisers spend more online than they do on TV."
Personally, I think this is both an interesting perspective and an argument as I firmly believe that due to the "free" model of the internet, it allows many institutions to start abusing the internet to their own advantage. They can relish in the fact that they are able to gain huge amounts of money from efficiently targeted advertising and have to invest little to nothing back to the users. This inadvertantly begins to create an extremely worryingly pluralistic society that many Marxists would argue against as it paves the way for institutions such as Facebook and Google to start growing rapidly and have little to no competition which results in them having greater influence on the audiences.
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