The article talks about the new President Elect Donald Trump's Twitter account. It has recently been in the eye of the media as Trump has been using the Twitter account as a way to put across his thoughts and perspectives on certain topics and subjects, and as he has a huge following, especially a celebrity and politician status, he is most likely to be heard by many people across the globe. Twitter itself has received a huge boost in marketing and visitor numbers due to the outrageous and ludicrous things said by Trump that many people want to hear about.
- The celebrity businessman turned president-elect has grown his Twitter audience from about 2 million followers to almost 19 million,
- “99% of people should just be following news sources and celebrities, but Twitter has never really made that connection for people.”
Personally, I have to agree with what Leigh Drogen, founder and CEO of Estimize says in the article as to how this is Trump's way of controlling the news cycle. The news outlets are always trying their best to report on what Trump is saying and what better way to make sure that the content they write about is what you want it to be? Start writing it yourself and making it publicly available to everyone. I also agree with Drogen in the sense that people need to understand that if this were any other old man rambling on Twitter with the exact same words and thoughts, people would think he's a lunatic, but the reason why they don't think Trump is crazy is due to the fact that they think what he says he will put into place. Twitter is not his way of making his policies known to everyone, its his way of stirring the pot and creating controversies but at the same time keeping the news cycles in control of everything he says.
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