Tim Clague
How to be Creative - 7 tips from the front line
- Volunteer, get involved
- The circles, analogy of the creative industry
- Work with others
- Beach combing
- Look for interesting ideas
- Keep it somewhere
- Play with it
- Don't force it
- Be ready for the BIG idea
- Discuss it
- Use it, practise it, pass it on
- No one comes from nowhere
- Work hard all the time
- Get better
- Put everything into everything
- Life is not a meritocracy
- Do your best in even little things
- Never shortcut everything
- Still an element of luck in the industry
- Don't wait to be invited to the dance
- Beware the Doppler effect
- Let things brew over time
- Think about the future
- Plan what to do after you finished
Rosie Ball
- Creative A Levels
- Game design and animation at university
- Worked with TomSka and Chris Bingham
- Experimented with what could be and the future
- Worked in a game competition
- Roles included branding, pitching to get into the competition
- Coding was difficult, variety of designs were included in original
- Met lots of connections at showcase
- Got the internship through connections
- Learnt a lot more about audiences and demographics
Chuckled Fish (2014) Small indie company
- Game design, writing, production, art, business
- Steam Early access was very useful
- Feedback, money, community
- Small team, greater communication and greater levels of involvement
- Helped with launch, building a community, testing
Leon Mann
- Interviewer, sports consultant, film-maker
- Respect the structure, respectfully challenge it
- Dresses down in interviews, makes people feel comfortable
- Sports media has a lack of diversity
- Diversity offers a greater range of perspectives and should be encouraged
- Worked at the Euro 2016, PFA TV
- Grew up in Harringay
- Obsessed with sport
- Decent GCSEs, fluffed A Levels
- Spent time in Kenya
- Graduated with Geography degree
- Volunteered at "Kick It Out", got a job there
What he has done
- Broadcast assistant, BBC Sports News
- Sports writer, The Voice newspaper
- Assistant Producer, BBC Sports News
- Six O'clock news feature on Usain Bolt
- Seek new information
- Be prepared
- Believe in yourself
Film makers panel
Hana Kesedzic
- Entered into film festivals
- University with an industry focus
Florence Winter Hill
- Industry rather than university
- Spec music videos
- Experimenting with new things
- Full time production assistant
- FutureFilm, BFI, internship
Rebecca Gosnell
- Production at BBC
- Trailer editing at Unviersal Pictures
Nathan Wilkes
- Disney
Ben Squires
- Sound at NFTS, composing
- Freelance, part time
- There are lots of different paths, find out what is best for you
- Don't accept "meh", do your best
- Love what you do, push yourself
- Shut up and make it
Dr Shakuntala Banaji
Young people, media and democracy
- Young people are generally apathetic
- There is a "crisis of engagement"
- Young people are actively changing the way that they engage
- Social media, new digital media platforms
- Young people often don't trust mainstream news
- London has many engaged young people compared to other parts of England
- Increasing control of all media by a few corporations, narrows the agenda (Paretto's Law)
- Economic crisis, vicious spending cuts
- Media narratives of scarcity
- Social, cultural, economic and institutional racism
- Right wing media rhetoric
- Educational exclusion, social fragmentation of classes
How does anyone become political?
Sites of socialisation of youth in politics
- Family
- Media
- School
Communication and styles
- Families and schools have a non tolerant standpoint of divergent viewpoints
- Encourage a wide range of media consumption and greater amount of critical debate
Issues found in engaging youth
- Jobs
- Social discrimination
- Terrorism
- Students rights
- Media stereotyping
- Employment and economic systems
- Voting age
- Engaged in community work
Are young people equally included?
- Youth voice
- Common chat, young people used for consultation
- Not for decision making
Most socio-economically deprived are often "too hard to reach"
One size of politics doesn't fit young people yet its what the government is giving
- Lack of trust in media
- Results in weaker citizenship
- Media supports power of elites
- Negative stereotypes of young people
UK mainstream media offer young people a very limited range of ideological perceptions (Goffman)
- 80% of news is negative of young people
- Criminals
- Victims
- Incapable
- Small number of news is positive
- Internet is great for young people
- But neglects youth participation
- Lack of starting campaigns
- 20% of young people get their news online
- Simple messages travel better than complex
- "Make Britain Great Again"
- Racist and right wing ideologies surface
- Most adults believe they are helping democratic participation
- Yet don't help or focus on democratic participation of young people
- Youth participation is only wanted when it is good for the government
- Civil disobedience is not
- Challenging a government is not wanted and frowned upon
- Young people can be influenced by right wing ideologies and views a lot easier
Tony Garnett
- Films about ordinary citizens
- Complexity, faults
- Reflect people back to themselves
- Reflects a truth, on a personal level
- Political, social realism
- Highly controversial
- Challenging society
- "For a fact to have meaning, it must be contextualised"
- Creating of narrative
- Cultural, political and religion beliefs are engrossed in everyday life
- Unknowingly creates bias
- Conscious or unconscious prejudice
- What is good news to some is enraging or insulting to others
- Always be sceptical. Ask WHY?
- News is not objective
- Trying to get audiences to take sides
- Humans live for stories
- Helps to make sense of ourselves and of our world through narratives
- Even religion is meta narrative
- Digital revolution
- Social media offers "post truth"
- Increase in spread of lies
- Politicians are normally subtle but no longer
- Internet is full of "Trumps"
- Make sure to check facts
- Double check them
- "The market is a religious doctrine"
- News and films are commodities
- Artists are no longer as creative
- Creativity is disciplined
- Compromise with self vision and management
- Smuggled his own creativity through demand of specific genre
- "Trojan drama"
- Acknowledge your creativity
- Nurture it
- "There's never been anyone like you in the world and there never will be"
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