Wednesday, 5 April 2017

05/04/17 - Ofsted considers using social media to monitor schools

A child uses a laptop

The article talks about how Ofsted is considering using social media such as Facebook and Twitter in order to analyse the way schools are performing. This approach would include seeing how frequently a school has been posted about on social media which would determine whether or not the visit of an inspector needs to be moved to a sooner date.
  • Ofsted has raised the prospect of using Facebook and Twitter posts to analyse how schools are performing.
  • The organisation said the frequency and content of social media posts about a particular school could help it decide whether an inspector should visit sooner than planned.
  • “People can put fake information about schools, they can make false accusations about schools,” Orchison said, citing the example of a disgruntled pupil or parent posting fake allegations about a teacher.
  • A 2015 survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers found that more than one in five school staff have had a false allegation made against them by a pupil.
I personally think that this is not an effected method of modernising education. I also believe that using social media as "real time" data is not at all accurate and will not give a better picture of the school for inspectors. Furthermore I also believe that what the students choose to do online in their spare time should not be the responsibility or have to be dealt with by schools. There needs to be a limit to privacy and by using social media to determine schools will not be effective.

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